How can I clean, I mean really clean, without dangerous chemicals?!?!
I had just finished watching Stink! (if you haven't watched it yet, you can read more about it on the blog page) and needed to go the bathroom. Ironically, as I went to flush the toilet I noticed black gunk around the rim - hidden where you really can't see it. "Gross," I thought and naturally grabbed my DIY vinegar cleaning spray. Problem was, it didn't do much. So I got a brush and scrubbed. Still didn't do much. So I grabbed one of the few "old" (i.e. chemical laden) cleaning supplies that I didn't throw out and decided to ignore all the warning labels. And I went to town on the toilets and showers in the house. The problem now - a headache from that short exposure to those chemicals. So I turned to my trusted source, EWG, to see what else I could use. Time for me to stock up on some new products that I can use when I really need to scrub. Here's the link to their cleaning guide: EWG Cleaning Guide
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