Cleaning House...
One of the last places I thought of to make some changes to was to my house. I am not going to lie, I loved that I had a cleaner for glass, a carpet cleaner, a toilet cleaner, a grout cleaner, a counter cleaner, electronic wipes, and on and on and on. If I think about how much I spent and how many chemicals I exposed myself to, all in the name of cleaning, it literally makes me sick. And then I discovered vinegar. Hello my friend vinegar :) Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks for reducing the amount of toxic chemicals in the house.
Hormone Disrupting Chemicals
Golf Courses, Kermit and my natural lawn?!?
The little yellow flower
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
How can I clean, I mean really clean, without dangerous chemicals
Easy ways to have less toxins
Natural Cleaners
DIY Cleaning Wipes
Mosquito, Mosquito, Mosquito
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