is it the apocalypse or just a reminder to wash our hands...

Unless you are living under a rock right now you have no doubt been hearing all about Coronovirus. And sometimes it is hard to know what is just sensationalism and what is true. From all that I have researched, here is what I now know…

WHAT IT IS: I wanted to find a respected international resource to do a lot of my research, so straight from the World Heath Organization (WHO):  “Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans.  In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.” Find more information here. So while this is not the first outbreak of it’s kind, the COVID 19 is a unique strand and the complete clinical outcomes are not fully understood yet. It was first detected in China and which has now been detected in more than 100 locations internationally, including in the United States (currently 19 states). According to the National Institute of Health (NIH): the virus is thought to spread person-to-person through close contact from respiratory droplets from a cough and/or sneeze. It is unclear how long the virus lives on objects so right now experts are saying that we may be able to get it from a surface or object, but right now the main concern is from touching our noses and mouths. Find more information here. 

WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT: After reading a range of responses across the spectrum of resources, I’ve come to realize that there are a few things that we all should be doing:

1. Wash your hands. It seems simple but washing with soap and water will kill most of the viruses. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC), here are the basics to follow: 
  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.From here. 

If you don’t have access to soap and water, you can use a hand sanitizer. Just make sure it has at least 60% alcohol content. I really can't stand all the chemicals in traditional hand sanitizers, so here are my 2 go-to’s:
1.     EO Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer. If you’ve travelled with me anytime in the last 2 years, you know I always have a spray bottle of the lavender EO essential oil hand sanitizer. You can try here but a lot of them are currently sold out. It’s also available at many grocery stores including Whole Foods and Sprouts or here.
2.     Copper Touch Copper bar. An amazing little copper piece of magic. I have previously written about it here. They’re having a sale right now and you can also try this code for 10% off: TOXICFREE10 
2. Avoid touching your mouth and nose.  As mentioned above, this is a virus that impacts our respiratory system. So we want to avoid passing the virus from our hands to our lungs through the mouth and nose. While it sounds simple, you'd be surprised how many times you touch your face in a day (I think I have touched my face at least 5 times since I starting writing this). And as my five year old keeps reminding me, it’s hard because we get so many itches. So while it may be impossible to not do it at all, here are things I am working on: 1. putting on lipstick so I see on my hands when I have touched my mouth (I know it is silly, but whatever works); 2. trying to use the back of my hands/wrist to itch so I can avoid where I normally touch things on my fingers; and 3. just being more aware of my face and how often I am touching it. Facemasks are effective for helping you not touch your face but do not otherwise protect you. So for now, please leave these for the healthcare workers. 

3. Limit your exposure to groups and social gatherings. Introverts are celebrating right now but in all seriousness, the disease is most likely spread person to person, so avoiding public places and gatherings is probably a good idea. I travel a lot for work so I am trying to remain clam but also make whatever steps I can to limit the time I am around people. So no, you don’t need to fill every closet with rolls of toilet paper, but yes, you can do a bigger grocery shop so you go to the store less often and you may skip large gatherings. It appears that this is most critical in the elderly population. So maybe check in on a parent and/or neighbor – can you pick up their groceries for them?

4. If you have the symptoms, stay home and contact a health provider to learn next steps in your area. Hospitals are being overrun and don’t have the resources to handle everyone coming in, so they are asking people to first call to see what the protocols are in your area. There are currently no known cures or ways to treat it, but there are a lot of people talking about zinc. Right now the research looks like it may not help, but there is no harm, so here are my go-to zinc lozenges that I take whenever I am travelling or in big groups. My kids love their “purple medicine” and whether it is a placebo, it seems to keep me healthier. You can buy them at most grocery stores or here. But seriously, please self-quarantine - it's the safest way for us to stop the spread.

Additional thoughts:  I have been washing my hands so much I have noticed that they are getting very dry, so if you want a safe option to keep them clean but less dry and cracky, here are my two favorite Beautycounter products: 1. Baby Daily Protective Balm: Designed for even the gentlest newborn skin, this all-purpose nourishing balm is the ultimate hydrating and comforting multitasker. Its soothing blend of organic shea butter and jojoba oil provides a layer of protection from head to toe. and 2. Citrus Mimosa Hand Wash & Hand Cream Set: Two gentle formulas designed to revive dry hands. Both the Hand Wash and Hand Cream are packed with nourishing ingredients, such as organic aloe and calming chamomile, and leave a subtle, refreshing citrus scent.


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