Naturally Clean Your Hands...

I travel a lot right now and am working in schools across the country – so I am exposed to a lot of germs. I mean a lot of germs. I have a regular arsenal of things that I use to try to boost my immune system and to limit my exposure to germs, so when CopperTouch reached out to me about their new copper products I was intrigued. The idea is fairly simple – access to soap, sinks, and other antibacterial cleaning supplies is not always available – but their copper disc doesn’t need any of these other things. So I did what I like to do – research about copper to see if it is too good to be true. And from what I have found so far, the research supports the claims. CopperTouch states: “it kills or destroys most common germs such as E.coli, MRSA (pronounced mersah) and VRSA (pronounced versah), Norovirus, Salmonella and Listeria.”[1]All you need to do is rub the copper over your hands for at least a minute – covering all over the front, back, and in between the fingers. Doing this releases copper ions (electrically charged particles) that prevent cell respiration (basically making holes in the bacterial cell membrane or disrupting the viral coat) thus destroying the DNA and RNA of the cell.[2] The research is working to get copper surfaces in hospitals, “All of these laboratory studies have been translated into the healthcare environment. Studies worldwide have shown that, with routine cleaning, when copper alloy is used on regularly touched surfaces in busy wards and intensive care units, there is up to a 90% reduction in the numbers of live bacteria on their surfaces.”[3]
I recently traveled with the Sani-Disc and am taking the Sani-Bar with me on this next trip. I used it on the airplane with literally the sickest person I have ever travelled with sitting a few rows behind me, at the meeting with a bunch of educators fighting strep and colds, and then back on the airplane. I managed to avoid the germs and found the bar easy to use and the pouch it comes with kept it clean in my computer bag. The Sani-Bar retails for $49.95 and the Sani-Disc is $39.95 and come with a lifetime guarantee. You can learn more on their site: For the month of March, enter TOXICFREE10 for 10% off all purchases. Send me your thoughts – would love to see what others think. So far, I think I’m hooked.



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